Dear Mr. Wert

Dear Mr. Wert,

It would be much easier for me to write these lines in Spanish. Or maybe not. To be completely honest with you I don't really care if you understand what I'll try to explain in the following lines to come. Since you don't really care about Catalan language I'm pretty sure you don't care about English neither.

Just a simple question Mr. Wert; how many languages do you speak? I bet my ass you are only able to speak Spanish. I'm 31 years old and I'm able to speak Catalan, Spanish and English on a proficiency level. How about that? You could say that I'm one in a milion case and that I do not represent the majority of Catalans. You might be right, but with your new legislation this example, people like me, would never exist in a future. Is that what you want?

What's the matter with you and Catalan people? Did you suffer from a hard childhood? Did you come to spend the summer in Lloret de Mar and some "bad Catalan kids" threw rocks at you? You maybe suffered from your neighbours Hi-Fi system playing Sardanes very loud in the morning, waking you up and making your head explode? That's called a hangover, Mr. Wert.

That's it! What you suffer from is a tremendous hangover with all related with Catalan traditions and culture. Just like General Franco, who tried to make our people dissappear in some kind of a witch-hunt.

Listen very carefully, I should say this only once: El català és la nostra llengua i cap ministre amb complexe d'inferioritat com vostè aconseguirà que desaparegui. Did I make myself clear Mr. Burns -OH- I mean, Mr. Wert? (I'm sorry... is just that you make my insides burn...)

Yours sincerely,

Marc Estarriola.